Poor Mindset and Rich Mindset

Poor Mindset and Rich Mindset


A poor mindset and a rich mindset are not words about money, they are words about mindset.

Few rich people may also be in a poor Mindset. Some poor people may also be in a rich mindset.

Here, a rich mind-set is a mind-set that makes one rgrow more and more in life, and those who possess it continues to progress.

So if you know what a rich mindset is and develop that mindset, you can grow in life..

Poor Mindset

1) Living with past memories

2) Hate the rich people. Thinking about making money is wrong

3) People full of negative thoughts

4) Always bemoaning what is not available

5)Staying in a bad mood for a long time which attracts bad

6) Lack of self-esteem

7) Reluctance to learn. Think that I know everything

8) Fear of failure and struck to move towards goals

Rich mindset

1) Living in the present

2) Helping the poor as much as possible

3) Having full of positive thoughts

4) Satisfied with what they get

5) Staying in a happy mood for a long time which attracts good

6) Being full of self-esteem and self-awareness

7) Keep learning

8) They Learn from failures and trying again again to reach their goals .


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